Thursday, July 12, 2012

Needin' Needles

Well...operation Knock Me Up continues...I had my first "monitoring" appointment Wednesday, where  my doctor performed my baseline ultrasound and blood work.  Good news:  No more birth control pills (from here on out referred to as BCP's bc I am lazy and I want to so I will, k?) Bad news:  shots on the way.  Dr. Knock Me Up counted 8 little follicles on lefty and 10 little follies on righty :)  Follies hopefully develop into mature sized healthy solid eggs with the help of drugs-hooray!  I was told I have a "sneaky uterus."  Isn't that cute..."sneaky"...commonly called retroverted/retroflexed helpless....A sneaky uterus does not a baby make-not without the help of Dr Knock Me Up  placing the embryo into said "sneaky" uterus.  Not so

Moving on...I rushed to the Apothecary Shop at lunch today to pick up the remainder of my drugs.  My oh so sweet hubby rushed to the shop (since it took WAY longer than I anticipated) to pick up the drugs from me, drop off some lunch and take said drugs home to our awaiting refrigerator!  I made it back to work just in time, scarfing my chicken nuggets in the parking garage and walking into the dental institute with my mouth was a hot mess fer sure.  I figured I was good to go, till I arrived home and more closely inspected my drugs...and noticed I am missing the syringes and needles to go along with the Menopur...This is a drug that comes as two separate vials-one with liquid and one with powder.  I am to draw the liquid into a syringe, gently dispense into the powder vial, swish, draw back into syringe and inject...I have no way to administer the meds I am to start Saturday.  So...I left a panicked voicemail for my favorite Nurse knock me up and will see what she says tomorrow...hubby is on stand by to pick up needles and syringes from wherever they may be-either the dr.'s office in downtown Phoenix or the Apothecary Shop...bleh...

Saturday (7/14) and Sunday's (7/15) schedule:

**100 units Follistim via Follipen

I can already see dollar signs...200 total units of Follistim this worth a lot of money...600 units of Follistim, four syringes of Ganorylex and the Menopur set this fam back almost $1600...yikes...Let's hope my bum ovaries respond well to the meds and produce some good follies with as little medication as possible.  I'm supposedly young and healthy so that is the plan...

And to Dr. Knock Me Up Monday, the 16th for another monitoring appointment.  Blood work and ultrasound.  Hooray.  Oh and my abrupt discontinuation of bcps's has brought on a second period in two weeks.  Life is fab round these parts...Thinking of the bigger picture....Hoping for a positive outcome...Afraid of a not so positive outcome...Must think positive.  How does one think positive without getting hopes up?  Is this possible?  I really don't want to come crashing down at the end of this if we fail...It's kind of our one and only shot for a while since $$ doesn't grow on my tree :(  Only leaves that demolish my clean pool do...

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