Saturday, December 29, 2012

OMG...There Are Others Like Me

I'm here on the couch, holding back barf.  Just finished head-in-toilet-bowl approved deep cleaning my the bathroom.  I have an irrational fear of puking that I'm sure I will recover from very shortly- just as I overcame my irrational fear of Progesterone In Oil shots in the ass.  I'm pretty sure my fear stems from my paranoia of having to vomit in a dirty toilet, more so than my fear of actually puking.  So, to appease my ocd tendencies, I spent the one hour today that I was feeling not too terribly lousy giving the bathroom a good once ten times over.  (I mean...if it makes puking less horrifying I'm all for it.)  Clorox and I went TO TOWN! 

Moving on...After my date with Clorox I found myself googling 4 weeks 3 days pregnant.  I really couldn't tell you why, but I came across this...

I almost couldn't believe it as I read the blog entry.  Not everything, but most. 

The faint line?  Check.  I must have ran back and forth between the bedroom and the bathroom to take a second...fourth...tenth look at the test I took.  The line was faint, but there.  But, always, within ten minutes of taking the test and going back to bed I would doubt my very eyes and go look again...just to be sure.  The line was always still there :)  But I still couldn't help myself.  Two three packs of the line tests, two digitals, and 5 days later and I still couldn't believe it. 

"Plus I wanted to see his face. I wanted to do something other than jump on the bed and shove the stick in his face at 6:30am like with Bella."

I did that too.  Only it was 2am...And Cody is blind as a bat without his glasses so he couldn't see the faint line anyway.  Instead he looked at me and asked what and why I was shoving in his face.  Oops.  Fail lol.

Anyway, there is more to the story than that...I laughed as I read that she sounded so much like me.  At least I'm not the only one who obsesses about a faint line...Our faint line.  And here we are now...Pregnant.  Very Pregnant.  So thankful.

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