Saturday, December 29, 2012

OMG...There Are Others Like Me

I'm here on the couch, holding back barf.  Just finished head-in-toilet-bowl approved deep cleaning my the bathroom.  I have an irrational fear of puking that I'm sure I will recover from very shortly- just as I overcame my irrational fear of Progesterone In Oil shots in the ass.  I'm pretty sure my fear stems from my paranoia of having to vomit in a dirty toilet, more so than my fear of actually puking.  So, to appease my ocd tendencies, I spent the one hour today that I was feeling not too terribly lousy giving the bathroom a good once ten times over.  (I mean...if it makes puking less horrifying I'm all for it.)  Clorox and I went TO TOWN! 

Moving on...After my date with Clorox I found myself googling 4 weeks 3 days pregnant.  I really couldn't tell you why, but I came across this...

I almost couldn't believe it as I read the blog entry.  Not everything, but most. 

The faint line?  Check.  I must have ran back and forth between the bedroom and the bathroom to take a second...fourth...tenth look at the test I took.  The line was faint, but there.  But, always, within ten minutes of taking the test and going back to bed I would doubt my very eyes and go look again...just to be sure.  The line was always still there :)  But I still couldn't help myself.  Two three packs of the line tests, two digitals, and 5 days later and I still couldn't believe it. 

"Plus I wanted to see his face. I wanted to do something other than jump on the bed and shove the stick in his face at 6:30am like with Bella."

I did that too.  Only it was 2am...And Cody is blind as a bat without his glasses so he couldn't see the faint line anyway.  Instead he looked at me and asked what and why I was shoving in his face.  Oops.  Fail lol.

Anyway, there is more to the story than that...I laughed as I read that she sounded so much like me.  At least I'm not the only one who obsesses about a faint line...Our faint line.  And here we are now...Pregnant.  Very Pregnant.  So thankful.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Thing One...Thing Two...And Maybe...Thing Three!

Whoa...Excuse me for a minute while I pinch myself...and barf.

Our official blood work was yesterday and I made myself a sick, nervous wreck all day long waiting for the phone call.  I guess 8 days worth of positive pee sticks aren't convincing enough for me!  Dr. Johnson finally called and gave me the good news!  We are officially pregnant...his words..."VERY pregnant.  Also his words:  "Given your numbers, there's definately two in there, possibly three."  He explained it like this:  When your first blood draw is taken, they want the level anywhere between 50-150 for a healthy singleton pregnancy.  Mine was 365.  Yikes. 

We are so very exited and thankful that we have been blessed with so much after wanting this for so long.  My second blood draw is tomorrow and that will give us a better idea of how many mu shus are along for the ride.  Next Wednesday is the first ultrasound where we will hear heart beats and get an official head count!  I can't contain my excitement...except when I am hovering over the toilet barfing.  Or sweating like a menopausal 50 year old woman all through the night.  Or sleeping for twelve hours.  Or falling asleep at 6pm. 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Just To Be Sure...

In case the faint positive want convincing's my idiot-proof pee stick!

We are roughly 4 weeks today :)  Today my little mu shu (or mu shu's...) is dividing into two-one will begin growing mu shu parts and the other will be mu shu's placenta!  Yay!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Kids...And the Silly Things They Say....

We had a "perfect", fool-proof plan.  We found the most adorable tiny knit stocking in Target and hung it on the mantle with the rest.  Surely the nosy, excited kiddos would pick up on the imposter within seconds of walking in the door this morning.  Not really...All they saw was the lack of presents under the tree.  We're mean like that I guess..It's fun watching them squirrel when they really think we didn't buy anything.  :)

Given the lack of attention to our strategically placed baby stocking, Cody told the kids they should ask me what the news is...In they come, shouting and running around like crazy heads.  As they ran farther from the fireplace..."Colder"....As they came back towards me...."warmer..."And then Trin stands in front of me, and what else can I say but HOT?  I mean...she was right...

And here's the rest of the story...

Trin: "You're pregnant!?!?!?!  I really hope it's a girl...I want a baby sister.  But, if it's a boy, that'd be okay too, we could dress him like a gangster!" 

The End

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Story of Thing One and Thing Two...

**I am always super curious and google WAY too much, but I found this way interesting so decided to share.  We transferred two 5 Day embryos on Monday, so today, we are 3DPT.  Let's see how my mooshoo's are doing :)

What Happens After an Embryo Transfer?

Once you complete your embryo transfer, you will have approximately 1½ weeks to wait before a pregnancy can be detected. The following tables outline an approximate timeline for what happens during a successful pregnancy after a 3-day transfer (3dt) and a 5-day transfer (5dt).

3-Day Transfer

Days Past
Transfer (DPT)
 Embryo Development
 One The embryo continues to grow and develop, turning from a 6-8 cell embryo into a morula
 Two The cells of the morula continue to divide, developing into a blastocyst
 Three The blastocyst begins to hatch out of its shell 
 Four The blastocyst continues to hatch out of its shell and begins to attach itself to the uterus
 Five The blastocyst attaches deeper into the uterine lining, beginning implantation 
 Six Implantation continues
 Seven Implantation is complete, cells that will eventually become the placenta and fetus have begun to develop 
 Eight Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) starts to enter the blood stream 
 Nine Fetal development continues and hCG continues to be secreted 
 Ten Fetal development continues and hCG continues to be secreted  
 Eleven Levels of hCG are now high enough to detect a pregnancy 

5-Day Transfer

Days Past
Transfer (DPT)
Embryo Development
One The blastocyst begins to hatch out of its shell
Two The blastocyst continues to hatch out of its shell and begins to attach itself to the uterus
Three The blastocyst attaches deeper into the uterine lining, beginning implantation
Four Implantation continues
Five Implantation is complete, cells that will eventually become the placenta and fetus have begun to develop
Six Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) starts to enter the blood stream
Seven Fetal development continues and hCG continues to be secreted
Eight Fetal development continues and hCG continues to be secreted
Nine Levels of hCG are now high enough to detect a pregnancy
© 2012 NYU Fertility Center | Address: 660 First Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10016 | Phone: (212) 263-8990 | Fax: (212) 263-7853

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Thing One & Thing Two

Here's hoping, praying, and crossing everything that these two little embryos that I already love so much, stick!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Thankful For....

Best friends...

And that the handcuff keys were eventually sayin! ;)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

We are Thankful for Homework!....Not..So..Much

Poor kiddos...We had a soccer party tonight but we had homework to come home to and homework is so not fun after a party! Here's our fun night!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Missing Our Boy

But...he comes home today with Hayden and we are so excited to soon have them back! We enjoyed or alone time but sure did miss the boys. See you soon!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

These Faces Make My Heart :-)

Austin is off in Utah with his fave cousin Hayden and we are missing our little TrinMonster today as well.  At least we have this oober adorable oozing pic of her, lol.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thankful for...

Good friends...who also have kiddos that are friends with our kiddos...

"Baseball momma's that bring their boys to the skate park and freeze!!! We spoil our kiddos!"

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thankful for....Sunday Edition

I am thankful for my sweet husband who appreciates my cooking (gooey on the bottom, crispy on the top, yummy French toast bake)...even though the kids act like I am feeding them poop. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Welp....There goes being positive...

Now that the world's biggest dumb ass was re elected...the question is...where do I run away to?  Bahamas?  I think so...We are all officially F'd....Thank you Obama and your "change".......

Monday, October 29, 2012

Consider the Blessings

It's time to change my view of life and the world.  Time to focus on the positive in each day...because honestly, no matter how bad the day may seem...I am truly blessed and need to remember this.  I have been blessed with two amazing kiddos, a loving and supportive husband, and an amazing family.  Above all, I am a daughter of God.  So...after reading President Monson's Sunday AM session talk "Consider the Blessings", I have decided to carry this with me daily...or to start, make an effort to focus on the positive and less on the negative.  This is a difficult change with me, but I hope that by putting this out there I'll be more inclined to remember this throughout the day...Here's to considering the blessings.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


That I am ok, aside from some chest pain and body aches.  For a seatbelt and an airbag that prevented my face from being smashed to bits.  Thankful for the complete strangers who stopped on the road to help me out of the truck and gather my belongings while I sobbed uncontrollably on the side of the road...and sat with me until the paramedics, the hubby and Hayden (my third child, lol) were able to make it over to me.

And thankful for these two crazies that cheered me up in the hospital. :)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Just What We Needed...

To get away from it all and grow fall more in love.....

Happiness is.....
Room service late at night :-)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Devastated is an Understatement

Heartbroken.  Angry.  Confused.  Broke.  We put everything into this cycle...that  Trying to put the pieces back together now...

Monday, July 30, 2012

Ahhh...I don't feel like such a little black rain cloud anymore.  The three weeks entailing birth control pills and the stims shots were sooo not ok with me.  I'd have my daily doc appointment for blood draw and ultrasound and every day I'd cry to the nurse, cry to the doctor, cry for no reason, cry on the drive back to work...I just cried.  A lot.  They always gave me the same perplexed look, telling me that nausea is not a common complaint with the meds but OMG i was sick.  I spent a week and a half dragging my toosh out of bed (in tears), trying to get myself at least a little ready and then holding back puke while driving to work.  Then it was a struggle to make it thru the day without actually vomiting...on people...or myself.  The bathroom at work is dangerously far from my desk.  I manage to make it thru each day, although I'm not sure how.  Those were some dark days and I know it probably sounds so silly, but something in those meds did NOT agree with me.  It sounds ridiculous but I couldn't even fathom being pregnant and surviving pregnancy because I was so depressed and anxious.    I feared 9 months of extreme  morning sickness, I feared even 3 months of morning sickness and I was a CRY BABY.  But.....that is now all in the past.  FOREVER.  Thank goodness!  We had our egg retrieval last Wednesday.  I was worried that it would be a bad day, I didn't know what to expect (pain wise) and I dreaded having to go back to work the next day.  Being as I just started my new job I didn't feel like I had the luxury of taking an extra day to rest, especially with my needing to come in late everyday after my monitoring appointments.  I was pleasantly surprised; however, because it wasn't too bad.  I was given Propofol (ala Michael Jackson lol) and dozed off for the first time in a couple weeks.  I woke up later feeling sore, but not near as sore as before.  They retrieved 21 eggs!  And that, friends, explains the pain I had all week during my stims phase.  Ovaries aren't meant to swell to the size of a small fist, nor are they meant to produce more than one egg a cycle.  So, eggs evicted and I was feeling much better.

The next day we got a call letting us know that from the 21 eggs we now have 13 embryos!  Woot!  More than enough for a few cycles...but let's just handle this one at a time, k?  Our transfer is this afternoon and we are so excited!  We've switched from the stims shots to now progesterone in my toosh and that takes this to a new level of entertainment.

Anyway...more to come later, today's the big day!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

So Not Sweet...

This is  I am pretty miserable :(  I have cramps, bloating and swelling ovaries...I made it to church this morning by the third hour of the block (if that gives you an idea of the pain I have been in)... I hope getting to Dr. Knock Me Up and then to work tomorrow will be easier.  I have blood work (again...again...and again...) and ultrasound first thing tomorrow and I am already sick of sticking myself, being stuck and making the drive to and from downtown Phoenix.

Last night was pretty hilarious, at least looking back now it is.  At the time, I had two syringes staring at me and I just.couldn'  I "pinched my inch" and held the syringe and almost followed through about a hundred times.  Each time I'd drop the syringe on the table, pull my hair and groan.  Let me is one thing to be stuck by a nurse when you can look away and wince while distracting yourself...But it is something else entirely to try and stick yourself.  I managed...thought it'd be easier tonight but honestly, it wasn't that much easier.  And now I find myself dreading one of the other medications I start at some point this week.  The nurse explained that if I don't ice for any other injection, to ice for this one because she has been told the needles are DULL!  Dull!  Are you kidding me?!

My anxiety is through the roof,  I haven't cooked for a week, and have barely stayed on top of laundry.  (And, let's not forget I started my new job last week so am tackling that on top of this).  I worry about the amount of money we have invested in this and how I will ever get us caught up...I have moments of unexplained tears, moments of tears because the pain is debilitating, and tears when I think about how overwhelming pregnancy seems on top of everything I am having to do just to attain (maybe) pregnancy.  Somebody help me...I am a MESS!!!  A whiney, teary, uncomfortable, stressed out mess!  Code tells me I need to relax and be strong...easier said than done.  I just need a cry.  I want more than anything just to be able to get pregnant the old fashioned normal way!  This is so much harder than I was expecting.  SO MUCH HARDER...

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Needin' Needles

Well...operation Knock Me Up continues...I had my first "monitoring" appointment Wednesday, where  my doctor performed my baseline ultrasound and blood work.  Good news:  No more birth control pills (from here on out referred to as BCP's bc I am lazy and I want to so I will, k?) Bad news:  shots on the way.  Dr. Knock Me Up counted 8 little follicles on lefty and 10 little follies on righty :)  Follies hopefully develop into mature sized healthy solid eggs with the help of drugs-hooray!  I was told I have a "sneaky uterus."  Isn't that cute..."sneaky"...commonly called retroverted/retroflexed helpless....A sneaky uterus does not a baby make-not without the help of Dr Knock Me Up  placing the embryo into said "sneaky" uterus.  Not so

Moving on...I rushed to the Apothecary Shop at lunch today to pick up the remainder of my drugs.  My oh so sweet hubby rushed to the shop (since it took WAY longer than I anticipated) to pick up the drugs from me, drop off some lunch and take said drugs home to our awaiting refrigerator!  I made it back to work just in time, scarfing my chicken nuggets in the parking garage and walking into the dental institute with my mouth was a hot mess fer sure.  I figured I was good to go, till I arrived home and more closely inspected my drugs...and noticed I am missing the syringes and needles to go along with the Menopur...This is a drug that comes as two separate vials-one with liquid and one with powder.  I am to draw the liquid into a syringe, gently dispense into the powder vial, swish, draw back into syringe and inject...I have no way to administer the meds I am to start Saturday.  So...I left a panicked voicemail for my favorite Nurse knock me up and will see what she says tomorrow...hubby is on stand by to pick up needles and syringes from wherever they may be-either the dr.'s office in downtown Phoenix or the Apothecary Shop...bleh...

Saturday (7/14) and Sunday's (7/15) schedule:

**100 units Follistim via Follipen

I can already see dollar signs...200 total units of Follistim this worth a lot of money...600 units of Follistim, four syringes of Ganorylex and the Menopur set this fam back almost $1600...yikes...Let's hope my bum ovaries respond well to the meds and produce some good follies with as little medication as possible.  I'm supposedly young and healthy so that is the plan...

And to Dr. Knock Me Up Monday, the 16th for another monitoring appointment.  Blood work and ultrasound.  Hooray.  Oh and my abrupt discontinuation of bcps's has brought on a second period in two weeks.  Life is fab round these parts...Thinking of the bigger picture....Hoping for a positive outcome...Afraid of a not so positive outcome...Must think positive.  How does one think positive without getting hopes up?  Is this possible?  I really don't want to come crashing down at the end of this if we fail...It's kind of our one and only shot for a while since $$ doesn't grow on my tree :(  Only leaves that demolish my clean pool do...

Saturday, July 7, 2012


And this is the content of my fridge these days...needles, syringes, and hormones....hooray!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Operation Knock-Me-Up Cont...

Sitting in the "teaching" room...learning more than I want to know about needles, drug mixing, etc...and I only have on question:  "Nurse Shelly, nurse that I love, did I mention I love you?....Can you PULEEEEZ give me something for the nausea, I think the birth control pills are slowly killing me.  Honestly.  I am dying a slow, miserable death by OCP's..."  Her reply..."Nope, nothing. Now buck up buttercup!"   The End.  Now back to my regularly scheduled puking.

And consent signing....You know...the if Cody dies can I use the embryos (sorry baby you don't have  a choice, I already x'd the yes box...sign or die, sign or die. ;)..And if I die, can Cody use the embryos...and if we were to divorce, we would have to fight over our unborn children/frozen embryos in bizarrrrrrrre...And, if we move and they can't find us after three years we lose custody of our unborn children and they become frozen sad and lonely...I left with my head spinning and my fridge is now filled with needles, syringes, and drugs...

Stay tuned because the fun starts the 14th! :) Barf.....

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My Sweet New Gig :)

Friends, I have finally done it!  I have FINALLY found a way out of the life sucking, brain eating, little dark cloud that is my current job...I won't name know...just in case.  Those of you who know me at all know I have been with the same office for almost eight years and it's time to move  on.  And what a sweet move this is!  After two completely intimidating, nerve wracking, nail biting job interviews and two reference/background checks I have been offered a position with MidWestern University!  Hollllllllaaaaaaa!  Amazing university, amazing company, amazing employer, amazing benefits.  I am so very excited for this new chapter in our life.  IVF, and an amazing new job.  Guys...I think life is finally happening for me....for us...

Prayers please everyone-operation knock-me-up officially kicks off tomorrow am with blood work and an ultrasound..the fun kind...;)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Well hellllooooo CD1 :)

Oh day one....I've been waiting for you...longing for you...counting down the days...killer cramps, some GI distress, yes, CD1 I love you.

But just this once...because...this are the beginning.  The beginning of a new adventure!  The beginning of Cody+Melissa=baby maybe?  I see Dr Knock-Me-Up wednesday for baseline ultrasound and blood work and, ironically enough, start birth control pills that day as well...I know...weird.  I can't get pregnant to save my life and to start the knock-me-up process they put me on pills to 2nd we go for our teaching visit where we pick up the drugs...and...needles....shudderrrrrr.....And learn how to "use" them....From there, I take the pills till the 10th, see Dr Knock-Me-Up on the 11th, start the needles on the 14th, blood work and ultrasound monitoring daily the week of the 15th and hopefully....egg retrieval on the 23rd!  And, transplantation 3-5 days after that...So...I am cautiously, anxiously excited...nervous...scared...terrified...mostly of the heartbreak I know is coming if this first round doesn't work...eek...Let's not think that thought...Not just yet...MUST think positive.

Monday, June 4, 2012

I Heart My RE

I have to say...I LOVE my baby doc.  Not only is he compassionate and gentle (which-let me important when you have everyone up, in and around your parts lol) but he always has good news for me!  The Sono/Mock went well today, despite a little hiccup on my part...I forgot the part where I was supposed to take a pregnancy test this morning and bring it with me in a baggie to the appointment...Totally spaced that...up until the point where I was sitting in the waiting room...I freaked, explained to the receptionist and asked if I had time to run to Walgreens...And that's that.  Off to Walgreens, buy a pee test AND baggies...utilize Walgreens bathroom (after waiting for a manager to unlock the door for me...puleeeeez how embarrassing) insert pee stick into baggie and race back down to the office.  After that it was all fun and games.  I mean-what's more fun than catheters, stirrups and pelvic ultrasound probes?  Happy Monday to ME!  MORE PLEASE! ;)

The Sono/Mock transfer revealed a beautiful (although retroverted and retroflexed-whatever that means) uterus just waiting for embryos! we wait...I never thought I'd be excited for my monthly to come and birth control pills to start...but I want it!  I want it now!  If all goes well, I will have blood work checking hormone levels on Cycle Day 3 and Cycle Day 10.  From there we start the stimulation-lots of needles, lots of medication, and hopefully NOT a lot of fainting...I hope Cody is ready because HE will be the one administering the fun juice.  I just dont think I can give myself a shot...and this is twice a day people...Pregnancy will be like nothing after two weeks of shots and hormones.  (And none of you better rain on my parade and tell me how difficult pregnancy will be-I choose to be ignorant and naive.  Pregnancy will be sunshine and kittens, ok?)

All we ask is prayers that the doctors will have wisdom and skilled hands and that my body will do what it is supposed to do...And maybe...just maybe I will have a fetus instead of crocodiles in my uterus come August...LOTS of prayers please!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Tomorrow is HUGE

Tomorrow we begin our IVF journey...This has been a long time coming for me and I am excited, terrified, nervous and hopeful all at the same time!  The thought of even going through this process...getting pregnant...being pregnant...actually having a baby-a REAL baby...of my own...I can't fathom the thought...Surreal...

I've just this evening begun the first of many meds to come over the next two months...Two Zithromax down the hatch (and two for Cody-he gets to get in on this action too!) and two more in the morning.  You know it's gonna be good times for sure when the nurse tells you to be sure and take 4 advil in the morning before the "procedure" and to come with a full bladder-that is always the BEST part.  My FAVE.  Love that "about to pee my pants for realzzzzz" feeling.  I'm telling you right now my bladder isn't what it used to be.  Ask the kids...They know why I don't jump on the trampline! ;)  Seriously...they know.  Anywhoosies...Tomorrow is my Sonohysterogram/Mock Transfer.  This involves the table with stirrups (another fave), a catheter, and a pelvic ultrasound wand...Don't be jealous peeps...seriously.  Hopefully this will go off without a hitch and after five minutes I can ditch the paper towel blanket and get back into real clothes.  (Not that I have anything against oversized itchy paper towels and no skivies).  And...hopefully the sonogram reveals a perfectly beautiful uterus with no polyps, fibroids or crocodiles.

Did I mention the tumor on my ovary disappeared?  I think Dr. Moffitt might think I'm crazy because after spending an hour discussing the pros and cons to removing the tumor before or after IVF and pregnancy he performed an ultrasound on his own and...NO TUMOR!  Endometriomas don't disappear on their own...It's not possible...But miracles do happen and I feel so beyond grateful and blessed for this miracle that, to me, is proof more than ever that Heavenly Father loves and cares about ME and answers prayers!  Needless to say, we spent an extra hour afterwards discussing IVF minus the tumor.

Ugh...time for bed.  My belly does NOT like two Zithromax at once...Here's to a good night's sleep with (hoepfully) no vomiting :)

We will be fasting again next fast Sunday-for a successful IVF cycle, and hopefully a healthy pregnancy and baby to follow.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

How Can You NOT Love These Girls?

We call this the rally shorts :)  When they score a goal, or the game is rockin', this is what they do...They call themselves the Nerd Crew...What losers! LOL.  I.Love.Them.
Rally Shorts!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Prayers For This Sweet Girl

Poor Trin isn't feeling so smiley this week.  She has been so very sick and we can't seem to get a handle on it.  Tonight is the first night with the breathing machine but her coughing seems worse...Constant and Uncontrollable....Prayers for our sick trinmonster please :)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Finally a First Place Medal! :)

Well...everyone...the good news first:  Trinmonster took home her first gold medal in this last weekend's Far West Classic Tournament in Avondale!  :)  We are so proud!  She played her little heart out, as did the rest of our favorite girlies and I felt so lame wanting to high five and hug every single one of them.  They are sweeties and I LOVE every one of them!  They worked hard for first so CONGRATS my Galaxy 2012 U10 girls!
Aren't they A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E.?
Trinnie and Daddy :) xo

She be ballin!  Gold Medal!

And now for the bad news:  The weather was MISERABLE.  I wanted to D.I.E.  Cold, rainy, a little hail, wind...It was just awful.  And...we didn't win the 50/50 raffle...oh well..the girls still raised around $600 to go towards nationals in Knoxville, TN in July!  Woohoo!

We are also lovin our Spring 2012 baseball team.  We have a couple kids that we have coached in the past and these boys are total sweethearts...and goofballs.  It's been quite an adjustment going from coaching T-ball and farm to Minors now but it is awesome.  Austin is improving dramatically and soon he'll be ready to take on pitching!  Go White Sox!  First game is this Saturday, wish little Austin luck!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Bye-Bye Beardy!

No one recognizes Cody anymore...He promised Trin's team that if they won the Kachina tournament that he would shave his beard....Somehow that turned into the GIRLS would shave his beard...And...they didn't take first but the girls won the last game and took home a third place metal after an AWESOME game so...the beard had to go.  It was adorable when the girls ran by for high five's after the game little Lauryn screams..."Time to shave your husband's beard!"  I think that was more fun for them than winning the game. 

Anyway...Here are the pics...HILARIOUS!  Poor Cody ended up pretty patchy but he fixed it the next morning with a razor.  We let the girls take the clippers to the sharp razors that's for sure :)
Before...Code looks scared...
Kaylee..I think she likes it!

Haileigh...Lovin it...

And Lauryn...She was by far the MOST pumped about it.  Look at that smile!

And...After...Lovin the patchy face.  The girls were so proud :)
Even though they didn't take first, they played their little hearts out and played sooooo well.  They really are coming together as a team and learning how to work together.  Once again, we are at tournaments all this weekend in Avondale.  Will let you know later how they do :)  They're gonna have to find someone else to shave for this one!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Kachina... Day Dos

Well...We are more exhausted...more sunburned...a bit poorer (is that even a word?)...and glad the weekend is over.  Sounds so strange to say...but these tournament weekends can be brutal-especially with the unseasonable heat and having the sun on you all day.  Even with my SPF 55 I still fry like no other...which is weird..cuz I'm Mexican you know....hmmmm :)

We placed third overall but we ROCKED this team of brats from Cali.  Every game they played yesterday they won by shut out with scores of 9-0 and 7-0.  But today?!.....we held our own.  Not only did they only score four on us, but we were the only team to score on them.  The girls were sooo pumped and we are so proud of them.

Eye Black's aren't for the cheeks....They're for mustaches don't you know?! :)
Love my No. 6's! xoxo
I'm still not sure what Taco Time must be something good...Taco Time!  Yeah!...whateva...
This is my new soccer bestie, Amy and two of her luvies.  They are LDS and I love 'em to pieces!
I teach 'em how to be classy...oh yeah, our goalie, Yuriah, playin Chubby Bunny with me in-between games!