Tomorrow we begin our IVF journey...This has been a long time coming for me and I am excited, terrified, nervous and hopeful all at the same time! The thought of even going through this process...getting pregnant...being pregnant...actually having a baby-a REAL baby...of my own...I can't fathom the thought...Surreal...
I've just this evening begun the first of many meds to come over the next two months...Two Zithromax down the hatch (and two for Cody-he gets to get in on this action too!) and two more in the morning. You know it's gonna be good times for sure when the nurse tells you to be sure and take 4 advil in the morning before the "procedure" and to come with a full bladder-that is always the BEST part. My FAVE. Love that "about to pee my pants for realzzzzz" feeling. I'm telling you right now my bladder isn't what it used to be. Ask the kids...They know why I don't jump on the trampline! ;) Seriously...they know. Anywhoosies...Tomorrow is my Sonohysterogram/Mock Transfer. This involves the table with stirrups (another fave), a catheter, and a pelvic ultrasound wand...Don't be jealous peeps...seriously. Hopefully this will go off without a hitch and after five minutes I can ditch the paper towel blanket and get back into real clothes. (Not that I have anything against oversized itchy paper towels and no skivies). And...hopefully the sonogram reveals a perfectly beautiful uterus with no polyps, fibroids or crocodiles.
Did I mention the tumor on my ovary disappeared? I think Dr. Moffitt might think I'm crazy because after spending an hour discussing the pros and cons to removing the tumor before or after IVF and pregnancy he performed an ultrasound on his own and...NO TUMOR! Endometriomas don't disappear on their own...It's not possible...But miracles do happen and I feel so beyond grateful and blessed for this miracle that, to me, is proof more than ever that Heavenly Father loves and cares about ME and answers prayers! Needless to say, we spent an extra hour afterwards discussing IVF minus the tumor.
Ugh...time for bed. My belly does NOT like two Zithromax at once...Here's to a good night's sleep with (hoepfully) no vomiting :)
We will be fasting again next fast Sunday-for a successful IVF cycle, and hopefully a healthy pregnancy and baby to follow.
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