Friday, December 28, 2012

Thing One...Thing Two...And Maybe...Thing Three!

Whoa...Excuse me for a minute while I pinch myself...and barf.

Our official blood work was yesterday and I made myself a sick, nervous wreck all day long waiting for the phone call.  I guess 8 days worth of positive pee sticks aren't convincing enough for me!  Dr. Johnson finally called and gave me the good news!  We are officially pregnant...his words..."VERY pregnant.  Also his words:  "Given your numbers, there's definately two in there, possibly three."  He explained it like this:  When your first blood draw is taken, they want the level anywhere between 50-150 for a healthy singleton pregnancy.  Mine was 365.  Yikes. 

We are so very exited and thankful that we have been blessed with so much after wanting this for so long.  My second blood draw is tomorrow and that will give us a better idea of how many mu shus are along for the ride.  Next Wednesday is the first ultrasound where we will hear heart beats and get an official head count!  I can't contain my excitement...except when I am hovering over the toilet barfing.  Or sweating like a menopausal 50 year old woman all through the night.  Or sleeping for twelve hours.  Or falling asleep at 6pm. 

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