Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Oh man, I'm in love...

Can someone please tell me how I can be so in love with my twins already?!  They are only the size of lentil beans but I have found myself literally staring at the sonogram pic for hours on end.  It probably doesn't help that I've spent the last 36 hours on bed rest so it's not like I have much else to do.  There was a minor scare at work yesterday morning.  Bleeding and cramping and a little panicking (ok, lots) but all is well now.  My amazing team of repro docs and nurses have quadrupled my progesterone to give my little peanuts every chance possible. 

Such a blessing it was that Cody just so happened to be at work getting fillings done when the bleed started.  And...his dentist also went through multiple IVF attempts and suffered a miscarriage and a seriously preterm labor and loss of her beautiful twin boys.  I couldn't ask for a better friend and the tears are flowing as I think about her and all she has been through.  She instantly read the look on my face when I came to her operatory in a tearful panic.  She finished the filling as fast as she could and met me in the bathroom for a pep talk while Cody packed my things.  We rushed home under doctors orders and I immediately swallowed a bolus of progesterone.  The pharmacy then delivered more and I was ordered on strict bed rest till the bleeding and cramping stopped. 

Thank goodness, the bleeding slowed almost as quickly as it started and I am now completely free of bleeding and cramping.  It's quite possible that I pushed myself too hard, as it was my first day back on my feet at work since finding out I was pregnant.  My computer is way too heavy to push around from operatory to operatory and I am now going to return to my desk and the students and patients will just have to come to me to settle accounts :).  Bleeding and cramping during pregnancy is fairly common (although still reason for concern) so I am banking on the fact that I just did too much yesterday and need to learn to take it easy.  I am so thankful for a completely understanding boss who has been so accomodating and loving through our entire IVF journey.

I am now on progesterone lozenges (that are absolutely appaling and not only taste like complete ass, but look like gooey chunks of bologna...ewwwww) three times a day in addition to the progesterone suppository and estrogen tablets twice a day that I have been on since our transfer.  Please pray with us that our peanuts are ok.  We have a follow up scan Wednesday the 16th and should be seeing adorable little heartbeats by then!  It will be a long week, but we have faith that all is well!

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