Thursday, February 23, 2012


It's official....I was right all along, I don't know WHY the doctors didn't listen to me!   I knew there were crocodiles in my uterus.  Not only is my uterus tipped but we found on ultrasound actual crocodiles.  See, they wait for babies and then they SNAP and eat em up!

Seriously, though, the endometriosis is back with a vengeance.  I was told at the time of the ultrasound that I was "lucky the radiologist is in the office today because he can come in and go over the results with you right now!"  I'm not sure what she meant by lucky...Never have I experienced a doctor with such AWFUL bedside manner-especially when I am not even fully clothed.  The NERVE!  I asked if the endometrioma was softball sized as I had back in 2006 and he rudely snapped back at me that "We don't measure based on fruit of sports...blah blah blah...."  Well  EXCUSE me!  Anywhosie.....three weeks later and I now have the  "official" results. Let me just say...I love my new OB/GYN.  He is LDS and is a personal friend of the Villarreal family.  He sat on the phone with me and listened to my silly fruit/size questions for twenty minutes. 

Basically, I have another endometrioma on my right ovary...again...Somewhere between golfball size and tennis ball size.  Dr. Nelson is going to review my case with his infertility/IVF peeps and work up a treatment plan-whether that be surgery right away, or down the road when we are ready to begin the IVF process.  Of course, this all depends on my pain level and the rate the crocodile grows....Should be fun....

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