Monday, October 29, 2012

Consider the Blessings

It's time to change my view of life and the world.  Time to focus on the positive in each day...because honestly, no matter how bad the day may seem...I am truly blessed and need to remember this.  I have been blessed with two amazing kiddos, a loving and supportive husband, and an amazing family.  Above all, I am a daughter of God.  So...after reading President Monson's Sunday AM session talk "Consider the Blessings", I have decided to carry this with me daily...or to start, make an effort to focus on the positive and less on the negative.  This is a difficult change with me, but I hope that by putting this out there I'll be more inclined to remember this throughout the day...Here's to considering the blessings.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


That I am ok, aside from some chest pain and body aches.  For a seatbelt and an airbag that prevented my face from being smashed to bits.  Thankful for the complete strangers who stopped on the road to help me out of the truck and gather my belongings while I sobbed uncontrollably on the side of the road...and sat with me until the paramedics, the hubby and Hayden (my third child, lol) were able to make it over to me.

And thankful for these two crazies that cheered me up in the hospital. :)