Saturday, March 31, 2012

How Can You NOT Love These Girls?

We call this the rally shorts :)  When they score a goal, or the game is rockin', this is what they do...They call themselves the Nerd Crew...What losers! LOL.  I.Love.Them.
Rally Shorts!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Prayers For This Sweet Girl

Poor Trin isn't feeling so smiley this week.  She has been so very sick and we can't seem to get a handle on it.  Tonight is the first night with the breathing machine but her coughing seems worse...Constant and Uncontrollable....Prayers for our sick trinmonster please :)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Finally a First Place Medal! :)

Well...everyone...the good news first:  Trinmonster took home her first gold medal in this last weekend's Far West Classic Tournament in Avondale!  :)  We are so proud!  She played her little heart out, as did the rest of our favorite girlies and I felt so lame wanting to high five and hug every single one of them.  They are sweeties and I LOVE every one of them!  They worked hard for first so CONGRATS my Galaxy 2012 U10 girls!
Aren't they A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E.?
Trinnie and Daddy :) xo

She be ballin!  Gold Medal!

And now for the bad news:  The weather was MISERABLE.  I wanted to D.I.E.  Cold, rainy, a little hail, wind...It was just awful.  And...we didn't win the 50/50 raffle...oh well..the girls still raised around $600 to go towards nationals in Knoxville, TN in July!  Woohoo!

We are also lovin our Spring 2012 baseball team.  We have a couple kids that we have coached in the past and these boys are total sweethearts...and goofballs.  It's been quite an adjustment going from coaching T-ball and farm to Minors now but it is awesome.  Austin is improving dramatically and soon he'll be ready to take on pitching!  Go White Sox!  First game is this Saturday, wish little Austin luck!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Bye-Bye Beardy!

No one recognizes Cody anymore...He promised Trin's team that if they won the Kachina tournament that he would shave his beard....Somehow that turned into the GIRLS would shave his beard...And...they didn't take first but the girls won the last game and took home a third place metal after an AWESOME game so...the beard had to go.  It was adorable when the girls ran by for high five's after the game little Lauryn screams..."Time to shave your husband's beard!"  I think that was more fun for them than winning the game. 

Anyway...Here are the pics...HILARIOUS!  Poor Cody ended up pretty patchy but he fixed it the next morning with a razor.  We let the girls take the clippers to the sharp razors that's for sure :)
Before...Code looks scared...
Kaylee..I think she likes it!

Haileigh...Lovin it...

And Lauryn...She was by far the MOST pumped about it.  Look at that smile!

And...After...Lovin the patchy face.  The girls were so proud :)
Even though they didn't take first, they played their little hearts out and played sooooo well.  They really are coming together as a team and learning how to work together.  Once again, we are at tournaments all this weekend in Avondale.  Will let you know later how they do :)  They're gonna have to find someone else to shave for this one!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Kachina... Day Dos

Well...We are more exhausted...more sunburned...a bit poorer (is that even a word?)...and glad the weekend is over.  Sounds so strange to say...but these tournament weekends can be brutal-especially with the unseasonable heat and having the sun on you all day.  Even with my SPF 55 I still fry like no other...which is weird..cuz I'm Mexican you know....hmmmm :)

We placed third overall but we ROCKED this team of brats from Cali.  Every game they played yesterday they won by shut out with scores of 9-0 and 7-0.  But today?!.....we held our own.  Not only did they only score four on us, but we were the only team to score on them.  The girls were sooo pumped and we are so proud of them.

Eye Black's aren't for the cheeks....They're for mustaches don't you know?! :)
Love my No. 6's! xoxo
I'm still not sure what Taco Time must be something good...Taco Time!  Yeah!...whateva...
This is my new soccer bestie, Amy and two of her luvies.  They are LDS and I love 'em to pieces!
I teach 'em how to be classy...oh yeah, our goalie, Yuriah, playin Chubby Bunny with me in-between games!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Another Weekend, Another Soccer Tournament, Another Sunburn, Another Exhausting Day In Our Life...

Need I say more?

This weekend's tournament-Kachina Classic- is at Dobson High School...quite the hike from our place.  As games wrapped up today, we finished first in our division and in the Gold Bracket for tomorrow :)  It has been so fun to watch these ten girls go from shy strangers to best friends and all around silly girls.  The weekends often leave me more exhausted by Monday than my work week makes me feel by Friday but we love this crazy life of ours.  I find myself humbled and taken aback by how life falls into place when you are choosing the right and living as Heavenly Father wants you to.  Life has certainly not been what I had in mind when I was younger, but it feels so very...."right".....

Anyway...Here are the latest pics of our sugarboogers.

Tying Shoes...It's what I do...

Love Us

Momz and TrinMonster :)

Our Handsome Boy xoxo

See you tomorrow- hopefully with a First place medal :) 

And now I'm off to defensive driving school (online)...for my not so sweet day last week...Procrastination OVER.  :(